Before anyone can get married in Australia, a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) must be signed, witnessed and lodged with a celebrant, at least one calendar month before the wedding.*
I like to complete this with my couple's, it's a good chance to get to know you a bit more, and it's much easier for you.
It's usually at this time that I do my legal check work on you including:
- Establishing your identity, full names, date and place of birth etc. I'll let you know what identification I need to see.
- Make sure you are legally able to marry in Australia. As long as you are over 18 years old, not closely related to each other and not married to anyone else (or each other) you'll be good to go. If your divorce is pending, you can still complete and lodge the NOIM, but you can't marry until the divorce is final. Overseas marriages are usually legally recognised in Australia, so you can't marry again.
*There are a limited set of circumstances where the one month period can be shortened. Get in contact with me.
Shortly before your wedding, maybe at the rehearsal, if you have one, I'll get you to sign the Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage which, as it implies, is you stating that you know of no legal reason why you shouldn't marry each other.
During your ceremony, or immediately after it, you, me and your two witnesses will be signing three documents - the certificate I send to Births, Deaths and Marriages so your marriage can be registered, and a copy which I have to keep for 6 years, and the beautiful Form 15 Marriage Certificate, which you get to keep !
If it sounds a bit daunting, don't worry, it really is a piece of cake to me, and I'll help you every step of the way to make sure your wedding, and the lead up to it, is as smooth as silk!
